What are the most common pregnancy complications and the risks?
Complications can happen for many reasons. Sometimes it’s a pre-existing health problem that contributes to a problem. Other times, new conditions arise because of hormonal and body changes during pregnancy. Always consult your doctor when you have concerns.
Baby Development Month By Month
Baby Development Month by Month A baby grows and develops an amazing
1-2 Weeks Pregnant
One and Two Weeks Pregnant Congratulations! During the first and second week
3 Weeks Pregnant
Congratulations! The third week of pregnancy is usually when ovulation and implantation
4 Weeks Pregnant
4 Weeks Pregnant: The 4th Week of Your Pregnancy Congratulations! Pregnancy weeks
5 Weeks Pregnant
5 Weeks Pregnant: The 5th Week of Pregnancy Congratulations! Weeks four through
6 Weeks Pregnant
Congratulations! Week 6 is when most women discover they are pregnant. This
7 Weeks Pregnant
7 Weeks Pregnant Congratulations! Weeks four through seven are when most women
8 Weeks Pregnant
8 Weeks Pregnant You have now completed almost two months! Here is
9 Weeks Pregnant
9 Weeks Pregnant Congratulations! You are one week closer to holding your