Some consider hypertension and nausea as the most common pregnancy complications, but let’s look at the other most common pregnancy complications:
Ectopic Pregnancy:
- Ectopic pregnancies can be caused by an STD, such as chlamydia, or an infection, such as pelvic inflammatory disease. Women who have undergone sterilization procedures or have been diagnosed with endometriosis or other female reproductive disorders are also at risk.
- If the fallopian tube is getting tighter, or more narrow, the egg is fertilized outside the uterus in the tube, hence the name: “Tubal pregnancy.”
- Causes heavy bleeding, severe pelvic pain, dizziness and may result in death.
- Emergency surgery or Methotrexate are used for treatment.
Rh Negative Disease:
- Rhesus isoimmunization.
- Rh factor is determined by the presence of a protein surrounding red blood cells. Without the protein, a woman is considered Rh-negative.
- If the mother is Rh-negative, and her child is born Rh-positive, she starts to build antibodies up against the next Rh-positive baby.
- During the beginning of the pregnancy, the mother is tested to see if she has been sensitized. (Meaning the baby’s red blood cells have been affected by the mother’s developed antibodies).
- RhoGAM is a medication given around 28 weeks to prevent the build-up of these antibodies.
- RhoGAM is given again at birth, only if the baby is Rh-positive.
Group B Strep:
- Group B Strep is the leading cause of infections in newborns.
- Not group A strep (strep throat).
- Doctors find Group B Strep through cultures during pregnancy.
- Can be treated during or after pregnancy.
Preterm Labor:
- When the mother’s body is trying to deliver the baby before she has reached full-term (37 weeks).
- There is a risk of delivering the baby too early when the contractions are closer, stronger, and longer.
- Can feel like menstrual cramping or a subtle backache.
- In serious situations, bed rest and medications are necessary to help the pregnancy go full-term.
Gestational Diabetes:
- Gestational Diabetes develops during pregnancy when a woman’s body is not making enough insulin.
- Develops usually in the second trimester.
- Cannot be treated by pills. Most treatment is through diet or insulin.
Low Birth Weight:
- Caused by poor nutrition, substance use (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs).
- Can be an effect of an STD, other contagious diseases, or no prenatal care.
- When a baby is born prematurely, it stays in the hospital for up to four months.
- Babies who are born at a low birth weight run the risk of respiratory infections, blindness, learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, and heart infections.
Want to Know More?
- Understanding a High-risk Pregnancy
- Sharp Pain During Pregnancy: Causes & Symptoms
- Trichomoniasis During Pregnancy