Stress During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful and joyous time, but can also be filled with doubt and anxiety. There are a number of circumstances that can lead to stress during your pregnancy, including fluctuating hormone levels, uncertainty about the future, physical discomfort, or a preexisting mental disorder.

If you are stressed, you may experience difficulty sleeping, headaches, racing pulse, and obsessive thoughts. It is important to remember stress does not only affect you. Research indicates that consistent high anxiety levels may affect the development of your baby. However, there are a number of ways to treat stress

Research indicates that consistent high anxiety levels may affect the development of your baby. However, there are a number of ways to treat stress naturally, without resorting to anxiolytics.

How to Treat Stress Naturally During Pregnancy


  • Discover your triggers — Is there anything specific that makes you anxious? Pay attention to what is happening when you feel most stressed out.
  • Get Some Rest — Exhaustion or irregular sleeping habits can lead to increased negative emotions, including stress. Be sure that you are allowing yourself plenty of sleep.
  • Eat healthily — A well-balanced diet can help reduce stress, as well as keeping you and your baby healthy.
  • Exercise — Thirty minutes of mild to moderate exercise several days a week is enormously beneficial. It can also help lower cortisol levels, which is the hormone that causes anxiety.
  • Meditation — Meditating can help clear your mind and lower your stress levels.
  • Therapy — If your stress levels become unbearable, you may want to seek a therapist, to discuss possible underlying issues beneath your anxiety, as well as healthy ways to cope with your feelings.

How to Treat Stress when Naturally Doesn’t Work

If you have followed the above steps and you still feel constantly anxious, you may need to talk to your health care provider about possibly starting anxiolytics. There are a number of
There are a number of medications that are safe to take while you are pregnant. Stress is common during pregnancy, and there is nothing wrong with seeking treatment, in whatever way works best for you.

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