At 19 weeks pregnant what changes are occurring with your body?
At 19 weeks pregnant you’re solidly in your second trimester when Round ligament pain is most common issue. This is characterized as a sharp pain in the abdomen or hip area on one or both sides as the round ligament stretches. Some women even report pain that extends into the groin area. Round ligament pain is considered a normal part of pregnancy as your body prepares for your growing baby.
How big is your baby at pregnancy week 19?
Your baby has grown so much during these 19 weeks but is still a little under 7 inches (17.8 cm) long and weighs about 7 ounces (.2 kg). Don’t worry; your baby still has a lot of growing left to do.
What is happening with your baby?
AT 19 weeks pregnant your baby’s development that is occurring is very specific. For example, the kidneys are making urine, and hair is beginning to sprout on your baby’s scalp. Additionally, the parts of the brain that are responsible for the senses are specializing. If you are having a baby girl, she already has 6 million eggs formed in her ovaries.
What should you plan for this week?
You may have grown accustomed to using herbs as natural health remedies. Now that you are pregnant, it is important to be careful regarding which herbs you use. We recommend not taking any herbal remedies without first contacting your healthcare provider or herbalist. Many herbs that you may think are completely harmless may stimulate uterine muscles that could cause a miscarriage. It is always best to play it safe. We have done some research on some natural common herbs that can and cannot be used during pregnancy, but again, check with a health care professional before using any type of herb or medication.
Tips for making your pregnancy better
Many pregnant women experience dizziness. Dizziness during pregnancy is often caused by hypotension or low blood pressure. When you lie down, your uterus puts pressure on the aorta and vena cava, major blood vessels in your body. The pressure on these major blood vessels is called supine hypotension. Supine hypotension can be alleviated by sleeping on your side instead of your back. Postural hypotension occurs when you rise quickly from a sitting, squatting, or kneeling position. Gravity causes your blood pressure to drop, which results in you feeling dizzy; this can be avoided by rising slowly.
Tips for mom’s partner
Do something your partner wants to do, even if you dislike doing it. Try to do this willingly, and without complaining. A little bit of effort can go a long way.