Soothing Your Crying Baby

Babies cry for many reasons, this is because they don’t know how else to communicate what they need. Trying different techniques and methods to soothe your crying baby will help you two begin to communicate.

How to Soothe Your Crying Baby

  • Motion–Babies often are comforted by movement. This may be as gentle as swaying from side to side or may need to be more vigorous, using something like a baby swing.
  • Mouth Soothers–Although many have conflicting opinions on soothers for babies, the fact is most all babies use sucking as a soothing method. This could be anything from a parent’s pinky to a pacifier.
  • Sound–Many babies are comforted by loud “white noise” sounds. This is believed to come from the fact that while in the uterus, they were constantly hearing the swishing of amniotic fluid, the beating of their mom’s heart and other internal noises that occurred around them.
  • Assessing their environment–Some babies are easily over-stimulated, while others need lots of stimulation. Pay attention to how your baby responds to different situations so you can know what your baby prefers. Some prefer dark, quiet rooms while others prefer to be outdoors or surrounded by people.
  • Touch–Of course, holding your baby will often be the first course of action one should take when trying to use a method to soothe them. But some babies need more than just being held–some need to be worn in a sling patted on the back or gently massaged. Never underestimate the power of your touch for your baby.

15 ways to Soothe the Crying Infant:

  1. Swaddling
  2. Rocking in a glider or rocking chair
  3. Making a “Shooshing” noise close to the ear
  4. Using a clean pinky finger for them to suck on
  5. Nursing the baby
  6. Wearing in a baby sling
  7. Going for a car ride
  8. Using a baby swing
  9. Going outside
  10. Warm bath
  11. Singing to baby
  12. Taking a walk
  13. Place baby on their side or tummy as you hold them
  14. Turn on a noise machine or static radio station
  15. Bounce on an exercise ball

Things to remember about your crying baby:

  • The more relaxed you are, the easier it is to calm your baby. They can sense fear!
  • If you feel overwhelmed by your baby’s cries, ask for help and have someone else take over while you take a break. If you are alone, put your baby down in a safe place while you take a minute to take a breather, reassess the situation and then go to calm your baby.
  • Don’t take your baby’s crying as a sign that you are doing something wrong or that they don’t like you. All babies cry–it’s their only way to communicate. It takes time for a baby and parent to learn each other.
  • If the crying seems different and the baby seems inconsolable after trying many of the tricks, don’t be scared to call your health care provider for some guidance.
  • All babies will cry, with the average being anywhere from 1-4 hours a day. It does get better with time!

Other Resources For Soothing Techniques:

  • The Happiest Baby on the Block–By Harvey Karp, M.D.
  • The No-Cry Sleep Solution–by Elizabeth Pantley
  • The Fussy Baby Book–by William Sears, M.D.

Want to Know More?


Compiled using information from the following sources:

1. Caring for your Baby and Young Child; Birth to Age 5.. American Academy of Pediatrics, Ch. 3.

 a de Pediatría, Ch. 3.