Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy

One of the first changes you may experience when you become pregnant is in your vaginal discharge. It is important to be aware of what is considered normal during pregnancy and to inform your health care provider about any changes that may appear abnormal. Normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy is called leukorrhea and is thin, white, milky, and mild smelling.

During pregnancy do not:

  • Use tampons-they can introduce new germs into the vagina.
  • Douche – this can interrupt the normal balance of healthy bacteria in the vagina and lead to infection.
  • Assume that it is a vaginal infection and treat it yourself.

During pregnancy do:

  • Use panty liners if it makes you more comfortable.
  • Notify your health care provider at your appointment of any changes.

What is Abnormal Vaginal Discharge?

If the vaginal discharge is green or yellowish, strong-smelling, and/or accompanied by redness or itching, you may have a vaginal infection.  One of the most common vaginal infections during pregnancy is candidiasis, also known as a yeast infection. Another cause of abnormal discharge could also be an STD.

When Should I See My Health Care Provider About My Vaginal Discharge?

You should notify your health care provider any time there is a change in normal pregnancy discharge. NEVER try to diagnose and treat yourself.  Spotting during pregnancy can be normal but should be mentioned to your health care provider.
Notify your provider immediately if you experience spotting or bleeding that is enough to fill a pad or tampon, lasts longer than a day, and is accompanied by cramping or pain.

Want to Know More?

Compiled using information from the following sources:
Williams Obstetrics Twenty-Second Ed. Cunningham, F. Gary, et al, Ch. 8.
Mayo Clinic Complete Book of Pregnancy & Baby’s First Year Johnson, Robert V., M.D., et al, Ch. 11.