Here is what you might experience 27 Weeks Pregnant
What changes are occurring with your body?
By 27 weeks pregnant, you can feel your baby move much more. Some of your baby’s movements could be due to hiccups, while others feel like your baby is participating in an aerobic workout. Many women find these movements comforting, and these often help strengthen the bonding process between mother and child. Many women ask questions concerning how often they should feel their baby move. Later in pregnancy, you may be asked to determine your baby’s kick count, but for now, you just want to make general comparisons. If your baby seems less active than normal, it is important to discuss this with your healthcare provider.
How big is your baby?
Your baby is now 13 ¾ inches (35 cm) long and weighs 2¼ pounds (1 kg).
What is happening with your baby at 27 weeks pregnant?
Around week 11 your baby’s eyelids became fused, but around the 27th to 28th-week babies can open and close their eyes. Your baby has also developed a regular wake and sleep cycle. Unfortunately, it may not be the same as yours. You may also begin to feel rhythmic movements in your uterus and wonder what is happening. It is likely that your baby has hiccups. This is completely normal and may occur quite frequently during this last part of your pregnancy as your baby’s lungs continue to mature.
What should you plan for during 27th week of pregnancy?
If you have not made arrangements for childbirth classes, now is the time. Remember that you want to have them completed by the time you have finished 37 weeks. Talk with your healthcare provider about organizations that offer these classes. If you are a single mom, you may want to ask a friend, family member, or doula to be your partner, or you might attend a special class designed for single women. We have provided links to some of the national organizations that provide childbirth classes. Check them out to see what is offered in your area.
Tips for making your pregnancy better
Did you know that the vast majority of hospitals require you to have an infant car seat before they will allow your baby to go home with you? If you have not picked out a car seat or a restraint system, it is time to begin looking for one. Talk with other moms and/or a pediatrician to find out what products they recommend. There are many options to choose from, but you want to find one that works for you and your situation. Also, make sure that the car seat fits in your car and is installed properly. Contact a local car seat technician who can help make sure your seat is installed correctly and can answer questions about proper use.
Tips for mom’s partner
As your partner progresses through these last several weeks of pregnancy, there may be certain household chores that become difficult and even dangerous for her to do. Offer to help her with these tasks, such as placing items on high shelves and cleaning the bathtub or toilet. These small gestures can make a huge difference.
Want to Know More?
- Pregnancy and Ice Cream: Nighttime Ice Cream is pregnancy friendly
- Safe Catch Tuna: the only tuna tested for mercury
- Get the Fetal Life App for Apple and Android endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association.